What is the Difference Between a Poem and Poetry?

We have all read poems at some point in our lives. Some are more meaningful, while others are designed to be fun for kids. But what exactly is a poem? And to follow that up, what is poetry? Although not inseparable, these are two different concepts.

In this article, we detail the few differences between poems and poetry. This is important because some of us often like to write down our feelings in the form of a meaningful and deep piece of content. However, we are unaware of the basic terminology linked to the art of writing.

So, if you are also someone who wants to learn more about writing poetic pieces, then you can use this article as a gateway or a stepping stone. We also discuss the modern ways to improve your poetry, so stay engaged till the end.

Poems Vs. Poetry

Here, we will discuss these two terms separately, so you understand the underlying differences.

What is a Poem?

A poem is a complete writeup made up of multiple sections and stanzas that express a purposeful idea. An example of a poem is:

This poem by Muzahidul Reza talks about the importance and role of water in making a piece of land fertile. Parts like ‘Water is Power’ strongly portray the emotions of the writer to help connect with readers on a deeper level.

However, this is just the surface-level meaning of this poem. On a deeper level, the writer also shares the idea that without the proper resources or nurturing (represented by water), life becomes difficult and barren, but with those resources, growth and vitality are possible.

We hope this helps you understand that a poem is just not a collection of rhyming sentences. This brings us to the question of what poetry is.

What is Poetry?

Poetry is a much broader term compared to poems. In the simplest words, poetry is the art or the process of writing poems. So, the skill that helped Muzahidul Reza write the above-given poem can be termed as a poem.

However, this doesn’t only involve the skills required to write a ‘poem.’ It also encompasses the techniques that are associated with writing other poetic pieces. These may include:

  • Prose poetry
  • Narrative Writing
  • Speeches
  • Song lyrics

Writing stuff like this and much more can be accomplished by learning the art of poetry. However, since the target audience for this article is beginners, we will focus on the most basic form of poetic expression, which is a poem.

How to Write a Poem?

Now that the difference between poems and poetry is clear let us show you a beginner’s guide to writing a poem.

  1. First, think of an idea or an emotion about which you want to write a poem.
  2. Then, try to get more specific. Gather your thoughts about what exactly you want to write about.
  3. After that, utilize At this stage, you just have to roughly write down what’s on your mind.
  4. Now, you have to make your content coherent. You can do that by choosing a writing style and converting your rough sentences into coherent stanzas.
  5. This is completely optional, but you can also try rhyming your stanzas.
  6. After this is done, you can edit and revise your poem until you are satisfied.

This last step is crucial because it is very unlikely that your first draft of the poem is fully polished and ready.

Additional Tip: Take Assistance from AI

This is a quick tip for beginners. As of now, AI is being implemented in all fields of life. Poem writing is no different. There are multiple AI-powered chatbots and poem generators that can assist you in your poem-writing journey.

These are, however, only to be used for getting ideas about your writing. This is because if you copy these AI-generated poems completely, then there will be no aspect of creativity. And as we know, poetry is all about creativity.

Nevertheless, here is a short tutorial on how to use a poem generator for assistance:

Poem Generator

  • As you can see, this generator has a lot of customization. So, fill in all the relevant sections.
  • Then, click on ‘Generate Poem.’
  • Here is what the tool will give you (The poem’s topic was ‘Nature’).

AI generated Poem

This poem can be used as a reference for your writing. You can get an idea of how stanzas can be written or how language can be utilized.

Final Words

Writing poems can be an intriguing idea for many. However, before jumping right in, understanding some basic terminology is important. This article can be used as a starting point for that. We have explained the terms ‘Poem and Poetry’ so that you can better understand where to direct your research.

Other than that, we have also tried to give a short and simple overview of the poem-writing process itself. So, what are you waiting for? Implement these techniques and start writing great poems!

Additional Resources:

  1. What is a Poem: Definition, Types and Examples
  2. How to Make a Poem: A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples
  3. Difference Between a Poem and Poetry